Non-cash Resources and Articles

front cover of book, Charitable Gifts of Noncash Assets

New & Improved with 10% More:  An Overview of Our Charitable Gifts of Noncash Assets Book 3rd Edition

Feb 1, 2024

You asked for an upgraded sugar-free and gluten-free noncash asset resource and we have answered the call.  I know what you are thinking: “Why couldn’t they have released this 491-paged…

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One Shoe Dropping: IRS is Finally Stepping into the Donor Advised Fund Space

Jan 25, 2024

After 17 years of near silence,?IRS has finally begun to issue proposed regulations interpreting and implementing legislation enacted in 2006?to “improve accountability” of donor advised funds. They have announced four…

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Red painted wooden human figure surrounded by a group of people.

Slippery Slopes: Should Donor Advised Funds Grant To or Receive Contributions From Hate/Discriminatory/Mission-Antithetical Groups?

Dec 1, 2023

If you don’t operate a donor advised fund, the answer is a millisecond, “Of course not!”  If you do operate a donor advised fund, these issues come up more and…

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Hand holding drawing virtual lightbulb

Creative Year-End Charitable Gift Annuity Marketing Ideas

Oct 2, 2023

Are you looking to reinvigorate your Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) marketing strategies as the year comes to an end?  Whether your organization has its own CGA pool, is considering winding…

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Terraced house For Sale at West-London

Real Estate Investment to Real Estate Impact: Utilizing Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) as a Charitable Giving Option

Sep 1, 2023

You may be familiar with the concept of donating real estate to maximize charitable giving potential, but have you considered what may be a more suitable option for disposition of your…

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Extreme Noncash Concentration in 2021 (New Research Report Released 7/23): The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same!

Jul 1, 2023

Five years ago, our team conducted a 990 review on 2016-2017 noncash activity for the largest 100 charities nationally.??We were beyond shocked at how few charities were actually receiving ANY…

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Top Ten Noncash Post-Gift Considerations and Conundrums

Jun 1, 2023

The gift plan design, due diligence, ownership transfer is complete and the written acknowledgment is delivered to finalize the gift over the goal line… congratulations!!!? Now you may want to…

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Charitable Gifts of LLCs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

May 1, 2023

Charitable Solutions, LLC now manages nearly $2 billion in supporting organizations (SOs).  This session will cover the definitions (Type I, Type II and Type III), operational and governance structures as…

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Revolutionizing Gift Planning with Chat GPT and Other Tech: Unlocking the Power of Practical Applications

Apr 1, 2023

THEY’RE BACK?? or did they really ever leave?  We are getting a spike in questions about charitable remainder trusts so this month’s webinar will briefly cover the CRT basics, when to use a…

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Long Live The Donor (Well, Not Too Long!): Mortality Table Mysteries in Gift Planning

Mar 1, 2023

Since nearly the beginning of time, Development staff have joyfully quipped, “Create a gift annuity with us and you are guaranteed to live forever!”, followed by a “Isn’t that great? it…

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Motivations and Philosophy Trends of Mega Donors: Seven Faces of Philanthropy, Giving Pledge, Epic Hero Story and Effective Altruism

Feb 1, 2023

“The Internet? We are not interested in it.” – Bill Gates, 1993. Precisely 30 years later Microsoft announces a new multibillion-dollar investment in ChatGPT-maker Open AI. Join us this month to…

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Santa Delivers Secure Act 2.0: QCDs to CRTs and CGAs

Jan 3, 2023

Our inaugural 2023 webinar will cover one of the newest opportunities in planned giving:  qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) for life income gifts (CRTs and CGAs).  We will cover the new…

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Stop Declining Great Gifts!? How/Why/When do Charities Work?with Charitable Solutions?

Oct 1, 2022

Charitable Solutions will have our 20th birthday on January 3rd . Yet, we still hear from charities with questions such as, “We have been declining (fill in asset here) for…

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Charitable Remainder Trusts: Top Five Out of the Ordinary Conundrums and Solutions

Sep 1, 2022

Charitable Solutions will have our 20th birthday on January 3rd . Yet, we still hear from charities with questions such as, “We have been declining (fill in asset here) for years! …

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How to talk to people about wealth in ways that inspire major gifts of assets: The science and the sentences

Aug 2, 2022

Wealth is not held in cash; it’s held in other assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and IRAs. Research shows that shifting donors to giving from their wealth (assets), rather…

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Shifting Gears: Rising Inflation and Interest Rates Impact on Charitable Giving

Jul 14, 2022

Interest rates are rising, fast. And it’s not just the federal funds target rate. Yields on mid-term Treasuries, which touched historic lows in the early months of the pandemic, have…

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Top 5 Pros/Cons to Outsourcing Noncash Assets and Gift Annuities (and any other Donation)

Jun 1, 2022

This month’s webinar (see registration link below) will cover the benefits and costs to noncash and CGA outsourcing.? Having been an outsourced provider for 20 years, you are probably thinking,…

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Supporting Organizations:? Imagine Donor Advised Funds on Steroids

May 7, 2022

Charitable Solutions, LLC now manages nearly $2 billion in supporting organizations (SOs). This session will cover the definitions (Type I, Type II and Type III), operational and governance structures as…

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Top 10 Questions, Myths, and Mysteries About IRS Form 8283 and 8282

Apr 13, 2022

With the annual April tax deadline coming up, we figured the time might be ripe for a tax-focused webinar. Many charities just finished dealing with stacks of last-minute donor tax…

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Charitable Gifts of Hedge Funds, PE/Real Estate Funds and Carried/Profit Interests

Mar 13, 2022

Our goal is to continue offering informative and timely free webinars based on what we are working on in the moment. Right now, the hot topics are private equity funds…

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Charitable Giving with NFTs: Tax, Legal and Processing Considerations

Feb 13, 2022

You knew this was coming!  NFTs or non-fungible tokens are the newest “asset” to pop up in the world of charitable gifting.  Last month, the top 100 NFT sales amounted to…

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Top Five Charitable Cases/Legislative Updates Impacting 2022

Jan 13, 2022

Last year was a blur for our team on many levels with unprecedented activity across every service line. We completed more than 230 noncash donations for $1.056 BILLION… 250% more…

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